Fujitsu Siemens Amilo XI3650
My first computer Spectravideo 328 painted by Arto Karttunen 2019
“Welcome to tietokonemuseo Ata
the Finnish Computer and Game Console museum”
My short computer history
Who is Ata? My name is Ari Tommiska and Ata is my Nickname. I started working with computers in the mid-1980s, and my computer hobby started as a little boy years before that. During my long career, I have done various expert and administrative tasks in ICT infrastructure and ICT purchasing operations.
I started collecting computers and games about 20-30 years ago. At first I collected back computers that I had used, then computers that I had dreamed about, and finally everything possible related to computers.
I experienced the magic of computers when I first saw and used the Commodore 64. Before that, I didn’t know much about computers or information technology, but I was extremely eager to embark on my long journey into the world of computers. Since then, I’ve had dozens of computers and gaming machines and miraculously, the magic is still there. In the beginning, I was only interested in new computers, but now old computers are more than a hobby for me. Others peaple put their money in new stuff, I put in old junk and I'm even a little proud of that :).
A couple of months later, I got my first computer Spectravideo 328 . At first, in the computer configuration was only just a machine and a cassette drive. Later, I purchased a dot matrix printer, a 605 expansion unit, 80-lines and serial communication cards. Naturally, I had a lot of software and other stuff like magazines and game controllers.
My next computer was the Commodore 128 , which I used mainly for gaming. Programming on the Commodore felt far too difficult.
Then I saw my friend´s the Atari 520ST . I studed and read all possible information about that machine and came to the conclusion that I need to get that Atari ST! Fortunately, my parents understood my pain and bought for me the Atari 520ST . I used various atari models for a couple of years and the latest model was Atari MegaST . At that time, I borrowed a Nokia MikroMikko 3TT from my friend. The PC machine felt like a completely useless machine after Atari Mega ST4.
The computer world changed, and so did I. I sold Atari and bought my first PC, the AST Premium 286 . At the time, AST Premium (Intel 286, 8MHz, 1MB of memory) on a 14 "color screen, cost about FIM 14.000 (in today's money 4.400EUR). Life is expensive!
During the years, I've had a lot of different PC configurations and gaming machines. Decades ago, I started collecting old computers and gaming machines. First I collected back all the old computers and other devices I had or dreamed of when I was young. Since then, the collection has grown in the largest collection in Finland. At first I wonder why I continue to collect this scrap but the motive became clearer and I decided to play of my part in storing computer history.
My computer 1984-2024
I hope you enjoy my collection!
All texts and images copyright (c) Tmi Tietokonemuseo Ata
Visit my youtube cahannel - RETRO JUNKIES and my facebook page - TIETOKONEMUSEO ATACooperation
Over the years, I have received donations from people who want to see their beloved machine in my collection rather than at a sale or scrap yard. I am grateful to these wonderful people who have made donations.
I gladly accept donations. I pay for the expenses and depending on the situation I also buy equipment, although basically museuming for future generations is my goal and this beloved hobby has already become expensive :).
Otan ilolla vastaan kaikkea asiaan liittyvää. Maksan luonnollisesti kulut ja tilanteen mukaan myös ostan laitteita, vaikka lähtökohtaisesti museointi jälkipolville onkin tavoitteeni ja tämä rakas harrastus on jo kalliiksi tullut :).
Tmi Tietokonemuseo Ata lends/rents stuff for documentaries, films, exhibitions and other events. The collection includes a wide variety of historical material related to computers and gaming machines, from Mainframe punch cards to accessories from different eras. In addition, the collection includes other props from Nintendo materials to FAX devices.
Contact me at info(@) or using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Ottakaa rohkeasti yhteyttä sivun alaosan yhteydenottolomakkeella tai sähköpostilla osoitteeseen info(@)
Movie "Valmentaja" (IBM laptop, SGI jne)
Movie "Veljeni Vartija" (MikroMikko, PS2 jne)
Movie "Teit Meistä Kauniin" (mobile phones, NES, MikroMikko)
Documentary film "Päättymätön Peli" (interview)
Yle TV "Se Päivä Muutti Suomen - Commodore 64"
Yle TV "Matka 70 -luvulle" (pong machine)
Yle TV "Puoli seitsemän" (Commodore VIC)
Yle TV "Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu" (NES glove, Sony glasses)
Yle Radio "Retrolaitteet" (interview)
Yle Radio "Pelimiesluolassa" (interview)
Exhibion "Suomen Lelumuseo" (Microsoft Xbox and games)
Exhibion "ALSO Oy 20v" (machines, accessories, stuff)
Video "Tieto Oy, 50v" (machines, accessories, stuff)
more examples
I've put together a "DREAM LIST" of devices I've been searching for years and I'd be more than happy to find one in one way or another :).
The museum is located in Klaukkala near Helsinki, Finland, but the museum is not open to the public. Currently, the museum only works as a virtual museum. The goal in the future is to have facilities that are open to everyone again.
The number of computers and gaming machines in the current collection is almost 1100 and there are more than 8000 games. There are about 750 accessories and more than 1000 books. In addition, there are more than 210 Nokia phones. There is also other material. All in all, there are about 12,000 articles in the collection.
New items
Vectrex games
// Ata // Yleinen No Responses
Vectrex games:
WebWarp SW
Spike SW
Soccer Football SW
Bedlam CIB
Armour..Attack CIB -
Year 2025
// Ata // Hankinnat No Responses
Xbox 360 S + controller + power
Nintendo 64 + two controller + six games
Commodore Amiga bag
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo XI3650
Vectrex games:
WebWarp SW
Spike SW
Soccer Football SW
Bedlam CIB
Armour..Attack CIB
Hewlett-Packard Color Pro Plotter