Atari VCS2600
I have the Atari VCS-CX2600 ”Heavy Sixer” (CIB), five Atari VCS-CX2600A ”4 switch” and three Atari 2600 ”Darth Vader” main units (one CIB), many power adapters, many original joysticks (one CIB), four paddles (one CIB), Atari Keyboard Controllers CX50 (B) and Atari 2600 Unimex Duplicator SP280 (CIB).
type computer
country USA
year 1977 – 1982
os Atari
cpu MOS 6507
speed 1.19 MHz
ram 128 B
rom 6 KB cart
graphic 320 x 192 (16×16)
colors 256
sound 3 channels mono
ports cartridge, joystick (2), tv rf