Commodore 64, 128 games


10 Great-games 2 B T
10 Great-games 3 B T (2)
10 Mega Games L T
1942  LM  T

Ace of Aces   CIB  T
AcroJes L T
Action Fighter L T
Advance of the Mega Camels CIB T
After Burner   CIB  T
Afrikan Tähti CIB D
Airborne Ranger CIB D
Aliens   CIB  T
American Dreams   CIB  D
American Dreams   CIB  T
American Ice Hockey L T
Anarchy   CIB  T
Andy Capp CIB T
Armalyte  CIB  T
Army Days (Light Gun)  CIB  T (2)
Attack Of The Mutant Camels   L  C
Avenger   CIB  T (2)
Avenger   L  C

Back The Future III  CIB  T
Bangkok Knights   CIB  T
Barbarian   B  T
Bard’s Tale II   CIB  D
Basic-kääntäjä L D
Batman the Caped Crusader CIB T (2)
Batman the Movie L T
Battle Stations CIB T
BC’s Quest for Tires CIB T
Beach Head  CIB  T
Bevery Hills Cop   CIB  T
Bio-syntax englanninkielen kurssi CIB D
Bitti ohjelmat 87 C-64 L D
Blaze Out CIB T
Blood Brothers CIB T
Blue Max 2001   CIB  T
Blue Print   SW  C
Blue Thunder   LM  T
BMX Simulator CIB T
BMX Racers CIB T
Bobsterm Pro   CIB  D
Bomb Jack II   CIB  T
Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge B T
Bulge CIB T

C64 Game System   L  C
Calc Result CIB C
Calc Result   L  C
California Games CIB T
CBM 64 Basic Kurssi 1 L D
Ceasar the Cat L T
Centipede  SW  C
Championship Jet Ski Simulator  CIB  T
Championship Wrestling   CIB  T
Cholo CIB T
Clowns L C
Computer Ambush   CIB  D
Congo Bongo   L  C
CP/M System Disk   L  D
Curse of RA CIB D
Cylu CIB T

Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge   L  D
Dam Busters B T
Dandy CIB T
Danger Freak CIB T
Dark Fusion  CIB  T
Darkman L T
Death Star Interceptor B T
Decathlon   CIB  T
Demons Topaz CIB T
Destroyer   CIB  D
Die Hard   L  D
Dominator   CIB  T
Double Take   CIB  T
Dragon Breed   CIB  D
Dragon’s Lair   CIB  T
Dragon’s Lair   B  D
Dragon Spirit CIB T
Dug & Dug   CIB  T

E-Motion   CIB  T
Edge FireQuest CIB T
Elite L T
Empire   CIB  T
Epyx Epics (Impossible Mission, Pitstop II, Breakdance) L T (2)
Eureka CIB D

F-15 Strike Eagle CIB T
Facemaker   L  C
Fighter Bomber CIB T
Fighter Pilot   CIB  D
Financial Advisor L C
Firebird Duell L T
Fische Fishen   LM  T
Fist II   CIB  T
Flight Path 737 B T
Football Manager L T
Footballer of the Year 2 CIB T
Frogger II   L  C

Galactic Gardener CIB T
Galaxian   L  C
California Games L T
California Games L D
Game Set and Match 10 Hit Games CIB T
Game Ower II L T
Games Winter Edition   CIB  D
Gangster   LM  T
Gangster (Light Gun)  CIB  T (2)
Gary Lineker’s Super Star Soccer (kixx) CIB T
GEOS Desk Pack 1 D CIB
Gateway To Apshai   L  C
Ghostbusters   CIB  T (2)
Ghouls’n Ghosts  CIB  T
Giants   CIB  D
Gilligan’s gold CIB L
Gold Silver Bronze   LM  D
Great Escape  CIB  T
Gribbly’s Day Out CIB T

Halleyn Komeetta CIB T
Head Over Heels L T
Hero Quest  CIB  T
Hollywood Collection (tape 1, 3, 4) L T
Hopper Copper   L  T

Impossamole CIB T
Impossible Mission   CIB  D
Impossible Mission CIB T
Impossible Mission II (kixx) CIB T
Incredible Shrinking Sphere CIB T
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade CIB T
Info Golden Collection L T
International Soccer   L  C
International Tennis   B  T
Interview CIB T

Jack Attack   L  C
Jail Break B T
Joe Blade & Tomahawk   CIB  T

Kennedy Approach… CIB T
Keys To Maramon   CIB  D
Kickman   B  C
Kikstart 2 CIB T
Klax CIB D
Konami’s Coin-op Hits (Green Beret, Ping Pong, Hyper Sports, Mikle, Yie ArKung-Fu) CIB T
Konami’s Coin-op Hits (toinen kasetti puuttuu) CIB T
Krakout CIB T
Kromazone CIB T
Krypton Factor L T
Kung-fu master CIB T

Labyrinth   CIB  T
Last Ninja 2 Back with a Vengeance CIB T
Last Ninja 2 Back with a Vengeance B T
Lazarian   CIB  C
Lazer Wheel CIB T
Leader Board   CIB  D
Legend Of Kage   CIB  D
Lemans   L  C
Linguaggio Macchina 4 Tapes 24 Games SW T
Live Ammo B T
Logo Robot D CIB

Magic Desk L C
Magnificent Seven B T (2)
Master Of The Univerce   CIB  T
Matrix   CIB  D
Matrix B T
Miami Vice CIB T
Mike Read’s Computer Pop Quiz CIB T
Milestones (Spherical, Hard ’n’ Heavy, Circus Attractions, Grand Monster Slam) CIB T
Model 1570/1571 Test   L  D
Motos CIB T
Moon Patrol L C
MS. Pac-Man   LM  C

Netherworld B T
Ninja Massacre L T
Ninja Master   LM  T

Omega Race   L  C
Omega Run CIB T
On Court Tennis CIB T
Opi Ohjelmoimaan Basic 1 Tietomestari CIB D
Out Run   CIB  T
Oxford Pascal CIB D

Paperboy   CIB  D
Paperboy   B  T
Paradroid CIB T
Parky and the Yellow Submarine CIB T
Pinball Spectacular   CIB  C
Pink Panter CIB T
Pitstop CIB T
Point X CIB T
Pole Position   L  C
Power Up (4 tapes) L T
Pro Games (tape 1) L T
Project Stealth Fighter   CIB  D
Pulse Warrior CIB T
Pulse Warrior L T

Quattro Adventure (Vampire, Ghost Hunters, Super Robin Hood, Dizzy) CIB T

R-type CIB T CIB
Radar Rat Race   L  C
Rambo II   CIB  D
Rambo II L T (2)
Rampage   CIB  T
Ramparts   CIB  T (2)
Rasterscan CIB T
Rebel Planet   CIB  T
Red Storm Rising CIB  D
Red Storm Rising CIB T
RedHawk CIB T
Retro Ball   L  C
Revenge of the Mutant Camels B T (2)
Ricochet Past Finder L T
Roadwar Europe CIB D
Robotron: 2084 L C
Rock’n Balt    CIB  T
Rootin’ Tootin’   L  C

Samurai Trilogy B D
Serve and Volley CIB T
Shades CIB T
Shadow Danger CIB  T
Silent Service CIB  D
Silent Service CIB T (2)
Slicker Puzzle CIB T
Simons’s Basic CIB C
Simon’ S Basic   L  C (2)
Simpsons Bart Sv The Space Mutants  CIB  T
Skate Or Die   CIB  T
Slapshot   CIB  D
Solar Fox  SW  C
Sonic Boom CIB T
Sold Gold   LM  T
Sold Gold (Gauntlet, Ace of Aces, Leaderboard, Winter Games, Infiltrator) B T
Space Action   L  C
Space Hunter L T
Spaceball L T
Speedball L T
Spherical CIB T
Stallone Cobra   CIB  T (2)
Starlifter CIB T
Star Paws L D
Star Raiders 2 B T
Star Trek   L  C
Stunt Car Racer   CIB  T (2)
Street Sports Baseball L T
Summer Games II CIB T
Super Cycle  CIB  T
Super Games L C (2)
Super Hang On CIB T
Super Monaco GP   B  D
Super Rider CIB T
Super Sim Pack   CIB  T
Super Wonder Boy   CIB  T
Supremes Challenge   B  T
Swat  B  D

Tag-Team Wrestling plus Karate Champ CIB T
Terminator 2   CIB  D
Terminator 2   CIB  T
Terminator 2 LM T
Terra Cresta CIB T
Tetris CIB T
Test Drive II the Duel Accolade CIB T
Thein Crowd   CIB  D
They Sold a Million 3 (Rambo, Kung-fu Master, Fighter Pilot, Ghostbusters) L D
Thing on a Pring CIB T
Thrill Tim Gold 2   B  T
Thunker Black CIB T
Tiger Road  CIB  T
Tiger Road L T
Time Machine  CIB  T
Time Traveller (Light Gun)  CIB  T (2)
Tomahawk Helocopter Flight Simulation CIB T
Tool Box
Tooth Invaders   L  C
Top 10 Collection CIB T
Train Accolade CIB D
Train Escape to Normandy CIB T
Tsapp! CIB T
Turtles   CIB  T
Tuttocomputer/Games 3 CIB T
Twin Kingdom Valley CIB T

Ultimate   CIB  T
Ultimate IV  CIB  D
Uuno Turhapuro Muuttaa Maalle CIB T

Warriors of Ras B T
Way of the Exploding Fist L T
We Are The Champions   B  T
We Are the Champions (tape 2 puuttuu) B T
Winter Games CIB T
Wizard Warz LT
Wizball  CIB  T
Wonder Boy  CIB  T
World Class Leaderboard   CIB  D
World Games   L  T
World’s Greatest (tapi 1) L T

Vectorball L T
View To A Kill   CIB  D
View To A Kill   CIB  T

Xevious CIB T

Yie Ar Kung-Fu II   CIB  T
Yie Ar kung-Fu II L T
Yleisurheilu L D

Zig Zag CIB T (2)