7th Guest CIB (3)
Alice in Wonderland CIB
Alien Gate CIB
Apocalypse Now (Movie) CIB
Apprentice CIB
Arcade Classics CIB
Atlantis – the Last Resort CIB
Axis and Alies CIB
Battleship CIB (2)
Beauty and the Beast CIB
BrainDead 13 CIB
Bready Bunch Movie (Movie) CIB
Burn Cycle CIB (2)
Caesars Word Of Boxing CIB
Caesars Word of Gambling CIB (2)
Carcature CIB
Cartoon Jukebox CIB
CD Shoot CIB
CDI 470 Tutorial Disk CIB
Ceasars World of Boxing CIB
Chaos Control a Fast and Furious Fight for Liberty CIB (2)
Child is Born CIB
Chinetown (Movie) CIB
Christmas Crisis CIB
Cluedo CIB
Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia CIB (2)
Connect Four CIB
Creature Shock CIB
Crime Patrol CIB
Crying Game (Movie) CIB
Cure Show (Music) CIB
Dances With Wolves (Movie) CIB
Dark Castle CIB
Die Nackte Kanone 33 (Movie) CIB
Dimo’s Quest CIB
Dragon’s Lair II Timewarp CIB
Drug Wars CIB
Earth Command CIB
Effacer CIB
Escate from Cybercity CIB
Family Games 1 CIB
Family Games II CIB
Firm (Movie) CIB
Flashback CIB
Flintstone/Jetsons Timewarp CIB
Girl’s Club CIB
Great Day at the Racer CIB
Hanna-Barbera’s Cartoon Carnival CIB
Harvest of the Sun: Vincent Van Gogh 7 SW
Hotel Mario CIB
Inca CIB
Inca SW
Insects: Reproduction & Metamorphosis CIB
International Tennis Open CIB (3)
Jack Sprite vs the Crimson Ghost CIB
Jazz Giants (Music) CIB
Jigsaw CIB
Joker’s Wild jr. CIB
Joker’s Wild! CIB
Joy of Sex (Movie) CIB
Keep the Faith an Evening with Bon Jovi (Music) CIB
Kether CIB
Kingdom Shadoan CIB
Kingdom: the Far Reaches CIB
Labyrinth of Crete CIB
Laser Lords CIB
Last Bounty Hunter CIB
Lemmings CIB
Lingo CIB
Link: the Faces of Evil CIB
Litil Devil CIB
Live with Monty Python (Music) CIB
Lords of the Rising Sun CIB
Lost Eden CIB (2)
Lost Ride CIB
Lucky Luke the Video Game CIB (2)
Luis Armstrong CIB
Mad Dog II: the Lost Gold CIB
Mad Dog Mccree CIB (2)
Max Magic CIB
Megamaze CIB
Merlin’s Apprentice CIB
MicroMachines CIB
Monty Python’s More Naughty Bits (Movie) CIB
Mutant Rampage Bodyslam CIB
Mutant Rampage: Bodyslam CIB
Myst CIB
Mystic Midway CIB
Mystic Midway Phantom Express CIB (2)
O Sole Mio Pavarotti (Music) CIB
Pac-Panic CIB
Palm Springs Open CIB (2)
Pavarotti (Music) CIB
Pecos Bill CIB (2)
Pinball CIB (2)
Power Hitter CIB
Priscilla Queen of the Desert (MoVie) CIB
Renaissance Of Florence CIB
Richard Scarry’s Best Neighborhood Disk Ever! CIB
Rise of the Robots CIB (2)
Santa Claus’ Mice CIB
Sargon Chess CIB
Scotland Yard Interactive CIB
Secret Mission CIB
Shaolin’s Road CIB
Sliver (Movie) CIB
Solar Crusade CIB
Space Ace CIB (2)
Star Trek Generation (Movie) CIB
Star Trek III the Search for Spock (Movie) CIB
Star Trek IV (Movie) CIB
Star Trek IV the Voyage Home (Movie) CIB
Star Trek VI the Undiscovered Country (Movie) CIB
Steel Machine CIB (2)
Sting Ten Summoner’s Tales (Movie) CIB
Story of Jonah CIB
Striker Pro CIB (2)
Surf City CIB
Tangram CIB
TeleDent version Juli 1999 L
Tetris CIB
Text Titles CIB
Third Degree CIB
Thunder in Paradise CIB
Tim & Beer CIB
Time-Life Astrology CIB
Time-Life Kleinbeelfotografie CIB
Tina Tuner Rio80 (Movie) CIB (2)
Titanic an Interactive Exploration CIB
Top Gun (Movie) CIB
Treasures of the Smithsonia CIB
Tutorial CIB
Ultimate American Football Collection (Video) CIB
Ultimate American Football Collection (video) SW
Ultimate Noah’s Ark the Perfect Puzzle for All Ages CIB
Ultra CD-i Soccer CIB
USA ’94 World Cup CIB
Wacky World of Miniature Golf CIB (3)
Who Shot Jphnny Rock? CIB
Wordplay a Tactical Wordgame for Up to Four Players CIB
World Cup Golf CIB
World Wide Fund For Nature Nature Under Threat CIB
Wrack a Bubble CIB
Video Speedway CIB (2)
Visit To Sesame Street CIB
Visit to Sesame Street: Letters CIB
Visit to Sesame Street: Numbers CIB
Voyeur CIB
Zelda: the Wand of Gamelon CIB
Zombie Dinos from Planet Zeltoid CIB