Commodore 64 pelit:
Super Games L C
Gary Lineker’s Super Star Soccer (kixx) CIB T
Tetris CIB T
On Court Tennis CIB T
CBM 64 Basic Kurssi 1 L D
Bio-syntax englanninkielen kurssi CIB D
Konami’s Coin-op Hits (Green Beret, Ping Pong, Hyper Sports, Mikle, Yie ArKung-Fu) CIB T
Train Accolade CIB D
Zig Zag CIB T
Blood Brothers CIB T
Danger Freak CIB T
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade CIB T
Info Golden Collection L T
Silent Service CIB T
Last Ninja 2 Back with a Vengeance CIB T
Serve and Volley CIB T
Test Drive II the Duel Accolade CIB T
Commodore 64 pelit
// Ata // Yleinen