Vuoden 2017 hankinnat

Apple Newton MessagePad 120 (CIB)

Orchid’s TinyTurbo 286 (CIB)

Apple eMac G4/700

Spectravideo 328 peli Flipper Slipper CIB.

Sinclair ZX81 pelejä ja ohjelmia:
ZXTK Toolkit CIB (2)
Space Raiders CIB
Junior Education 5 (Crash, Multiple, Train, Fractions, Add sub, Division, Spelling) CIB
3D Defender CIB
QS Asteroids CIB
Flight Simulation CIB
QS Defenda CIB
Games 1 (Orbit, Sniper, Meteors, Life, Wolf pack, Golf) CIB (2)
Super Programs 7 (Racetrack, Chase, Nim, Tower of Hanoi, Docking the Spaceship, Golf)


Apple II A2M201P -näyttö

Sega Game Gear pelit
Mortal Kombat II L EU
Solitaire Funpak L US
Tesserae L EU
Side Pocket L US
Poker Face Paul´s Poker L US
Vampire Master of Darkness L EU
Incredible Hulk L EU
Ristar L US
Captain America and the Avengers L US
Wolfchild L EU
Sonic Blast L US
Rastan Saga L EU

CBS Colecovision pelit:
Super Action Football L
Super Action Baseball L
Gorf L
Turbo L
Subroc L
Pitstop L
Venture L
Space Panic L
Time Pilot L
Miner 2049 L
Heist L
WarGames L
Omega Race L
Front Line L
Frenzy L
Mr. Do! L
Space Fury L
Donkey Kong L
Victory L
Gateway to Apshai L
Jumpman Junior L
Smurf L

Acorn BBC Model B+ 128

Acorn BBC ohjelmat:
Rocket Raid CIB
Welcome CIB
Catepillar CIB
Wu-file CIB

Acorn BBC kirjat:
Acorn BBC Easy Programming for the BBC Micro
Acorn BBC Microcomputer User Guide

Schneider EuroPC, Schneider Monitor SM12, power adapter.

Amstrad CPC6128

Nintendo Famicom pelit:
Super Mario 3 L FC
Doraemon L FC
Doraemon: Gigazombie No Gyakushuu L FC
Donkey Kong JR. L FC
Dai 2 Ji Super Robot Taisen L FC
Yoshi’s Cookie L FC
Arkanoid L FC
Super Mario Bros. L FC
Meikyuu Kumikyöku: Milon No Daibouken L FC
Dragon Ball: Shenron No Nazo L FC
Saint Seiya: Ogon Densetsu L FC

Casio Data-cal 50 DC-750

Apple iBook G3/300 (Original/Clamshell)

Apple DuoDisk

Nintendo Virtual Boy salkku

Apple IIe, Apple monitor III, two Apple Disk II.

Lisäkortit: Apple Disc II Interface Card, Apple 80 colums Card, Epson Parallel Card, Apple Serial Interface Card (CIB).

Apple II ProDOS User’s Manual (2)
Apple II ProDOS Supplement to the Apple IIe Owner’s Manual
Apple II DUODISK Owner’s Manula (2)
Apple Monitor III Owner’s Manual
Microsoft Apple II Softcard Volume II

Apple II Pascal 1.2 CIB
Apple II ProDOS 1.0 LM (2)
Apple II DOS 3.3 (2) L
Apple II Present an Inroduction to the Apple IIe Computer L


Commodore SX-64

Atari SM124 näyttö

Commodore VIC pelit:
Adventure Land L C
Voodoo Castle L C

Fairchild pelit:
cart 1 Tic-Tac-Toe, Shooting Gallery, Doodle, Quadro-Doodle
cart 13 Robot War, Torpedo Alley
cart 4 Spitfire

Tandy 3000,4000, 5000 MS-DOS and GW-Basic package.

Nintendo Family Computer, Power Adapter
Famicom Disk System HVC-022
Famicom Disk System Adapter HVC-023

Commodore CBM 8032
Commodore Dual Drive Floppy Disk Model 8250
Commodore Tractor Printer 4022P

Microsoft Xbox One 500 GB / Go (Quantum Break) (CIB)

Videolasit (CIB)

Star Multi-font LC10 matriisitulostin ja User Manual.

DVD Kids pelit:
Franklin pelaa ja leikkii CIB
Leijonakuningas Hakuna Matata -seikkailut! CIB

Atari 2600 pelit:
Bowling L
Othello L
Sea Quest L
3-D tic-tac-toe L
Casino L
Video Checkers L

Nintendo Gamecube Resident Evil 4 Limited Edition Pak (CIB).

Nintendo Gamecube Pokemon Colosseum Mega Pak (CIB).

Zenith Data Systems Eazy-PC


Sega Mega Drive 4-Player Adapter (CIB).

Nintendo 64 Ice Blue (CIB).

Nintendo Virtual Boy pelit:
Bomberman: Panic Bomber CIB USA
Bomberman: Panic Bomber CIB JPN
Vertical Force CIB USA
Vertical Force CIB JPN
Teleroboxer CIB USA
Teleroboxer CIB JPN
Wario Land CIB USA
Wario Land CIB JPN
Mario Clash CIB USA
Mario Clash CIB JPN
Galactic Pinball CIB USA
Galactic Pinball CIB JPN
Red Alarm CIB USA
Red Alrm CIB JPN
V-Tetris CIB JPN
Virtual Professional Baseball ’95 CIB JPN
Virtual League Baseball SW USA
Space Squash CIN JPN
Virtual Fishing CIB JPN
Jack Bros. CIB JPN
Mario’s Tennis CIB JPN
Insmouse no Yakata CIB JPN

Nintendo Virtual Boy Storage Bag.
Nintendo Virtual Boy Headphones (CIB).
Nintendo Virtual Boy power adapter (CIB).

Atari 1040 STe + hiiri + Dungeon Master LM

Sega Game Gear the Lion King Pack (CIB)
TV Tuner Pack (CIB)
Sega Car Power Adapter (CIB)

Sega Game Gear pelit:
Alien Syndrome CIB EU
Wonder Boy CIB EU
Dynamite Headdy CIB EU
Sonic the Hedgehog CIB JP
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse CIB JP
Columns L EU
Pete Sampras Tennis L EU

Atari 2600 4 vipua, puu malli + ohjain
pelit: Combat (L), Air Sea Battle (L), Missile Command (L)

Vectrex 3D Imager CIB

Lenovo ThinkPad X200s

Lenovo ThinkPad X301

Sony Playstation 2 pelit:
Aeon Flux CIB
Alter Echo CIB
187 Ride or Die CIB
10 Pin: Champions Alley CIB
Bratz the Movie CIB
Ben 10 Alien Force CIB
Call of Duty World at War-Final Fronts CIB
Disney’s Dinosaur CIB
Viewtiful Joe 2 CIB
X-Men 2: Wolverine’s Revenge CIB
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse CIB
Cinderella CIB
Deus Ex CIB
Disney Pixar Cars Mater-National CIB
Disney’s Donald Duck Quack Attack CIB
Disney Pixar Cars Race-O-Rama CIB

Nintendo DS peli:
Garfield 2 CIB

Amstrad Notepad NC100

Fujitsu ICL MikroMikko Indiana ActionHi M1310

WanderSwan peli:
Mobile Suit Gundam MSVS CIB

Microsoft Xbox One pelit:
Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition CIB
Dragon Age Inquisition CIB
Call of Duty Ghost CIB
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition CIB

ICL MikroMikko Indiana M-Series Getting Started manuaali

Sega SP-400 4 Color Plotter Printer

Nintendi WII pelit:
Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands CIB
Mario & Sonic Olympic Winter Games CIB
Call of Duty Black Ops CIB
Call of Duty MW3 CIB

Atari Lynx pelit:
Rampage L
Batman Returns L
Electrocop L

Panasonic Q

Nokia Lumia 635 (CIB)

Atari 7800 pelit:
Karateka L
Jinks L
Impossible Mission L
Hat Trick L
Barnyard Blaster L
Tower Toppler L
Ms. Pac-man L
Crack’ed L
Donkey Kong Junior L
Ace of Aces L
Desert Falcon L
Mat Mania Challenge L
Planet Smashers L
Midnight Mutants L
Fatal Run L

Atari 2600 pelit:
Missile Command L
Space Invanders L
Boxing L
Enduro L
Pole Position L
Tennis L (2)
Combat L
Air Sea Battle L
Atlantis L
Centipede L (2)
Vanguard L
Jr. Pac-Man L
Battlezone L
Solaris L
Real Sports Football L
Circus Atari L
Kangaroo L
Yars’ Revenge L
Dodge ’Em L
Real Sports Soccer L
Fire Fighter L
Joust L
Berzerk L
Defender L
Cosmic Ark L
Amidar L
Dark Chambers L
Pac-Man L
Dig Dug L
Radal Lock L
Real Sports Volleyball L
Desert Falcon L
Midnight Magic L
Crystal Castles L
Ikari Warriors L
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial L

Nintendo Gamecube Mariokart Double Dash!! Platinum Pak (CIB)

Scandia Metric 85 (Compucorp 600)

Sinclair QL World lehtiä 5 kpl

Nintendo Gamecube Dancing Stage Mario Mix Pak CIB

Microsoft Xbox pelit:
Godfather SW
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 SW

Microsoft Xbox360 pelit:
Fifa 09 CIB

Toshiba T1600

Siclair Spectrum + power adapter

Sony Playstation 3 pelit:
Fallout New Vegas Collector’s Edition CIB
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 CIB
Wanted Weapons of Fate CIB
Resistance 2 CIB
Call of Duty World at War CIB
Mafia II CIB
Mass Effect 3 CIB
Rage Anarchy Edition CIB
Homefront Exclusive Resistance Multiplayer Pack CIB
Lego Indiana Jones 2: the Adventure Continues CIB

Space Invaders

Coleco Zap

C64 GEOS Desk Pack 1 CIB

Denshi-Gakken Electroni-kit EX-150 (CIB)

Sinclair QL + virtalähde

Sinclair QL User Guide

Sinclair pelit ja ohjelmat:
Decision Maker CIB
Project Planner CIB
Quill CIB
Abacus CIB
Archive CIB
Easel CIB
Quboids CIB
Bounder CIB (2)
Jabber CIB
Lost Kingdom of Zkul CIB

Atari 1040STe + hiiri
Atari 520STm + virtalähde
Atari Megafile 30 2 kpl + välipiuha
Atari SF354 + SF314 + välipiuha + virtalähde
SM124 110V

Commodore Amiga 500 pelit:
Colonel’s Bequuest a Laura Bow Mystery CIB
Heimdall 2 CIB
Settlers CIB
Putty Squad CIB

Sony PSP Slim & Lite (PSP-2004) Piano Black (CIB)

Atari 520ST ohjelmat:
Magic 5 LM

Atari 520 STFM/1040 STFM Käsikirja
Atari SM124 High-resolution Monochrome Monitor Owner’s Manual
Atari ST Basic Quick Reference Guide
Atari Mouse
Atari SpeedoGDOS User’s Guide
Atari MultiTOS Quickstar
Atari Calendars and Appointments
Atari Falcon 030 Owner’s Manual
Atari 1040 ST Handbok
Atari ST Deluxe Paint Manual
Atari ST Discovery Pack 1,2 and 3 manuals

Sony TV-511E TV

Panasonic JB-3000 kokoonpano.