Vuoden 2004 hankinnat

Added four laptop computers; ICL
MikroMikko 386s, ICL MikroMikko 386LC,
Toshiba T3100/20 and Toshiba
Satellite 220CS.


Added three Mattel Intellivision games:
Roulette, Bomb squad (both are CIB) and
Vectron (L).

I have over 50 Intellivision games now!

Added three Nintendo 64’s games: Mario
Kart 64, Mario Party and Mario Party 2 (all are L).

Added two Sony Playstation 2’s games:
Aggressive inline and Red faction II (both are CIB).

Added Nintendo DS handheld game console.

Added six PC’s games: Call of duty,
Call of duty united defensive, Sim 2,
FarCry, Ballance, Atari – 80
classic games (all are CIB).

Greetings from Dubai. If you look for
friendly, clean, cheap, safe and sunny
place for vacation, go to Dubai.

nope, I did’n stay in this hotel :)

Added eight MSX’s games: Abu Simbel
profanation, Rambo III, Samantha Fox Strip
poker, Master of lamps, International
Karate, Panique, Choro q and
Army Moves (all are CIB).

Added three Commodore Amiga’s programs:
Morph plus, Disney animation studio and
Deluxe Paint IV (all are CIB).

Added Apple Macintosh’s game:
Quake (SW).

Added Nintendo Game boy’s printer.

Added Spectravideo 728 and
Spectravideo 738.

Greetings from IT Forum 2004
(Copenhagen / Denmark)

Added Mega Drive’s game: Speedball 2 (CIB).
Added Sega Saturn’s game: Panzer Dragoon (CIB).
Added Sony Playstation 2’s game: Dune (CIB).
Added Atari ST’s game: Seven gates of Jambala (CIB).

Added MSX manuals.

Added 10 CD-I’s games: Mystic midway phantom
express, Lost eden, Rise of robots, Steel machine,
Renaissance of florence, Chaos control, Caesars
world of boxing, Mutant rampage bodyslam,
Space ace, Lucky Luke (all are CIB) and one
CD’I music cd: O sole mio Pavarotti (CIB).

Added Amstrad PPC640 portable
computer with original bag.

Added seven Sega Game Gear games:
Earth worm Jim, Lemmings, Factory panic
(all three are CIB), Ceasar palace, Super battletank,
Bust-a-move and NHL all-star hockey (all four are SW).

** GUESTBOOK uncovered **
Write me, in english and suomeksi, please!

Added five PC’s games: Police Quest
Swat (L), Patrician II, Commodos 3 Destination
Berlin, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and
World War II – black gold (all are CIB).

Added Atari and Mattel Intellivision manuals.

Added two original
Nintendo Game Boys.

Added Commodore Amiga 3000.

It’s autumn and it’s raining.

Added bunch of games. Super Nintendo’s
Batman forever (B), Clay Fighter (CIB), Donkey
Kong 3 (L) and Battletoad double dragon (L).
Commodore VIC’s Sargon II Chess (L).
Nintendo NES’s Shatter hand (L).
MSX’s Hyper Sport 3 (CIB).

Added Commodore Amiga accessories:
Digi-View Media Station, Genlock and Vidi Amiga.

Added four Commodore Amiga’s programs:
Digi-View Gold 4, Digi-Paint , Performer and
Vidi Amiga (all are CIB).

Added anor Sega Saturn.

Added Atari Lynx games: Hockey,
Turbo sub and SwitchBlade II (all are L).

Added link to Saku Taipale’s
MSX -pages (STT).

Added bunch of great Amiga’s software (10 items):
Art parts, Deluxe Paint III, Vista Pro (all three are L),
TV*text (LM), Scala, Scenery animator, Comic
setter, Art department professional v2,
PhotoLab, Amiga OS 3.1 (all are CIB).

Added Sega Mega Drive’s mouse.

Added Atari 1040STe.

** One of my dreams is true. Now I have all
Atari computers that I have ever want. **

Added two Nokia Ngage’s games: Tomb
Raider and SonicN (both are SW).

Added five PC’s games: Lotus, Final racing,
Rally championship, Ultima underwold and Ultima
underwold II (all are L).

*** I have over 200 PC games and programs now ***

Added Atari ST’s games; Mr. Heli,
Rampage, 1943, Batman movie, Artura
and Gold of Aztecs (all are L).

Added MSX’s game: Hyper rally (L).

Added Mattel Intellivision’s games: Auto
racing, Math fun, Advanced dungeons &
Dragons (all are B) and Royal dealer (L).

Added Sega Dreamcast games: Deep
fighter and POD 2 (both are SW).

Added GoldStar FC-200 MSX.

Added Nintendo NES’s Quickjoy joystick.

Added Spectravideo’s joystick SV-103.

Added lots of Aquarius manuals.

Added Panasonic FZ-10.

Added anor Nintendo NES Espanola -version.

Added two Nintendo NES’s games: Mach
and Mega Man 2 (both are L).

Added five Sega Mega Drive’s games:
NHL 96, Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (both are L),
Sonic 3, Back to future (both are CIB) and
James Pond II (B).

Added Game&Watch Nintendo Oil panic
handheld game.

Added Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-Ib
with manuals, printer card and original box.

Added anor Atari 520stfm.

Added five Nintendo Nes’s games: Captain
planet (SW), F-15 strike eagle (L), Iron tank, Top gun
second mission, Hi-Q spice 110in1 (all three are CIB).

** I have over 100 different items of Nintendo’s games now **

Added cool Union Virtuality helmet :).
Control joystick by head.

Added five rare Mattel Aquarius games
and programs modules: Logo, Utopia, Night
stalker, Space speller and 16K memory (all are L).

** I have over 500 DVD’s now. **

Added three PC’s games: Sim park,
Active life and Colin MCrae rally 04 (all are CIB).

I added some new scans to
Computer museum / brochures -page.

Added four NEOGEO pocket’s games: Metal
slug 1st mission, Neo turf masters, Pac-man and
King of fighters r2 (all are L).

Added two PC’s programs: Business english
part 2 and Business english part 3 (both are CIB).

Added seven Microsotf Xbox’s games: Enter
Matrix, Total immersion racing, Tao Feng,
Batman dark tomorrow, Thing, Toca race
driver and Bloodrayne (all are CIB).

Added Nokia Ngage.

I Added new page to
Home atre -section about av
-systems in bedroom.

Added Mattel Aquarius with two pads,
tape recorder, mini expander etc……..

Added Sony Playstation 2’s games: Stundman,
Ghost hunter, Getaway and Evil twin (all are CIB).

Added Canon ZX-10 pda.

Added six Microsoft Xbox’s games: Ghost
recon, Desert storm, Medal of honor frontline,
Metal gear solid 2, Project Gotham racing, Crash
Baddicoot wrath of Cortex (all are CIB).

Added five PC’s games: Army men, Army men
air attack, Hulk, Desperados and Lord of
Rings return of king (all are CIB).

Added Soundic’s games: Space smash
and Breakaway (both are CIB).

Added Nintendo Game boy Color’s games:
Pokemon crystal and Pokemon silver (both arew CIB).

Added OneForAll Camaleon URC-8060
remote controller.

Added Palm Pilot m100.

Added Nintendo nes’ s game:
Super Mario 3 (CIB).

Added two Sega Dreamcast’s games:
Red Dog and Virtual fighter 3th (both are CIB).

Added HP 200 LX palmtop computer
with connectivity pack and manuals.

Added Spectravideo’s game: Sasa (L).

Added 12 Sega Game Gear’s games: Pengu, X-men,
Street of rage, Alien syndroma, Shinobi II, Choplifter
III, Virtual figter, Wimbledon, Lion King, Power rangers,
Batman & Robin and Dynamite Headdy (all are L).

Added five PC’s floppy games: Impossible
mission II, Turtles, Zany golf, Rack’ em
and Epyx games (all are L).

Added eight Sega Master System’s games:
Rescue mission, Wonder Boy III, Rampage,
Rambo III, Impossible mission, Cloud
master, Dynamite dux and Alex
Kidd lost stars (all are CIB).

Added two PC’s games: Amerzone and
Comanche 4 (both are CIB).

Added two Mattel Intellivision’s games:
Sharp shot and Microsurgeon (both are CIB).

Added SNK Neogeo pocket’s game: Fatal fury (L).

Added two Nokia Ngage’s games: Pandemonium
and Tony Hawk’s pro skater (both are SW).

Added three Sega Master system’s games:
Wonder Boy, Super kick off, R-type (all three are
CIB), Indiana Jones, Tennis age and American
pro football (all three are L).

Added three rare Sega Master System’s card
games: Bank panic, My hero and Ghost house (all are CIB).

Added Sony Playstation 2’s game: Spider-man (CIB).

Added Commodore 64’s game cart: Centipede (SW).

It’s summer, at least here in Finland.

Added bunch of PC games: Sonic 3D,
Black&White, IGI 2, Solder of fortune II,
Vietcong, Hitman 2, Command and Conquer
Renegate, Freedom fighter and Delta Firce black
hawk down (all are CIB).

Happy first of may :)

Added Nintendo Game boy Advange SP.

Added 13 Amstrad CPC’s disk games: Turbo
Outrun, Freddy Hardest, Strider, Dragon
spirit, Dominator, Hollywood collection,
Hobbit, Hard drivin, Soccer spectacular,
Future knight, Cyperball, International,
soccer and Manchester United (all are L).

Added rare Philips Videopac+ G7400
with two controller, two controller and
game: Golf (L).

Added two Sega Saturn’s games: Tunnel B1
and Fighting vipers (both are CIB).

Added two Spectravideo’s games: Grave
digger and Jumping Jack (both are CIB).

Added 11 Sega Master System’s games:
Fantasy Zone: maze (B), Quartet, Penguin
land, Kenseiden, World grand prix, Captain
Silver, Double dragon, Ghostbusters, Castle
of illusion, Michael Jackson’s moonwalker
and Lord of sword (all are CIB).

Added Sega Mega Drive Control Stick.

Added Nokia Communicator 9210 Concord camera.

I renewed my game -section pages by PHP -scripts.
Pages are little bit faster and easyer to upgrade.

Added Schmid TVG 2000.

Added three Schmid TVG 2000’s games: Astro
Invader, Space attack and Tank a lot (all are L).

Added two PC’s games: IL2 forgotten battle
and Rainbow six 3 Raven shield (both are CIB).

Added two Nintendo Game boy’s games:
Tetris 2 and Dynablaster (both are CIB).

Added Nintendo Game boys color’s game:
Zelda oracle of season (SW).

Added seven Commodore 64’s cart games: Omega
race, Lazarian, Kickman (all are L), MS. pac-man (LM),
Pinball spectacular (CIB), Blue print and
Solar fox (both are SW).

Added three Sega Mega Drive’s games: Eternal
champions (L), Street fighter II and
No escape (both are CIB).

Added PC’s game: Battlefield 1942
special edition. One of best game,
I have ever play!

Added nine Commodore 64’s cart games: International
soccer, Radar rat race, Jack attack, Attack of
mutant camels, Retro ball, Frogger II, Facemaker,
Pole position and Gateway to apshai (all are L).

Added Nintendo Nes’s games: Tennis, Tiger-Heli,
Pac-man, Bad dudes vs. dragonninja, Section-Z,
Kung fu, Super Mario 2, Blue Brors (all are L).

Greetings from Paris!

I found a lot of games from Paris. I will add m later.

Added Vtech Socrates education computer.

Added Fairchild and Sega Mega Drive II manuals.

Added Super Nintendo’s game: Ultraman (usa) (L).

Added Nintendo nes’s game: Swords and Serpents (usa) (L).

Added Nintendo Game boy’s game: Qix (CIB).

Added three Palm Pilot’s software: Handphone,
Palm Pilot software and Intellisync for Palm (all are CIB).

Added Palm Pilot’s 2MB upgrade kit.

Added Palm Pilot Snap-On gsm adapter.

Added many Palm Pilot manuals.

Added Commodore Amiga’s programs: Multi
Mediator (finnish) (CIB), Pro Write, Page Setter,
Deluxe Music construction set, Deluxe Paint and
Deluxe Paint II (all are L).

I have now over 100 Amiga progs and games.

I made PDA -version of my collection.

Added four PC’s games: Baldur’s Gate II,
Silent hunter II, Codename: outbreak and Cossacks
back to war (all are CIB).

Added two Sega Mega Drive’s games: Ayrton
Sennas Monago GP II and Road Rash II (both are B).

Added Spectravideo’s games: Armoured
assoult, Cross force and Frantic Freddy (all are CIB).

Cross force and Frantic Freddy are rare cartgames!

Added Nintendo NES’s game: Kirby’s adventure (L).

Added Sega Master System’s game: Fantazy zone II (L).

Added Sony Playstation 2’s game: Half-Life (CIB).

Added three Sega Dreamcast’s games:
Surf rocket racer, Sega worldwide soccer
and Roadsters (all are CIB).

I have over 50 Sega Dreamcast game now!

Added MSX SoftCard adapter.

Added MSX’s cardgame: Le Mans2 (L).

Added SNK’s NeoGeo Pocket Color.

Added Sennheiser RS 65 headphone.

Added five Sega Game Gear’s games:
Chicago syndicate, Madden 96, Super Monaco
GP, Sports trivial (all are L) and Formula One (CIB).

I have over 50 Sega Game Gear’s games now.

Added four Spectravideo’s games: Roulette,
Crunch, MR. Seek and Space satellite (all are CIB).

Added MSX’s game: Super cross force (L).

Added Apple Machintosh’s extra disk 3.5″
and Harddisk 20MB.

Added Atari 400’s game: Gorf (CIB).

Added Sega Saturn’s game: Space Hulk (CIB).

Added Commodore VIC’s game: Avenger (CIB).

Added Sega CD’s game: Cliffhanger (CIB).

Added four Spectravideo’s games: Horse racer,
Ninja, Tetra horror and Telebunny (all are L).

Added four Fairchild’s games: cart 2 Desert fox, cart 3
Video blackjack, card 5 Space war and card 12 Baseball (all are CIB).

Added five MSX’s games: Hyber sports, Yie ar kung-fu II,
Track & Field, Track & Field II (all are CIB) and Soccer (L).

Added three PC’s games: Commandos behind enemy lines, Heroes
chronicles clash of dragons and Need for Speed Underground (all CIB).

Added four Microsoft Xbox’s game: Splinter cell, Lord of ring,
Dead or alive 3 and Colin Mcrae rally 3 (all are CIB).

Added two Nintendo Gamecube’s games: Metroid
prime and Mario Party 5 (both are CIB).

Added few handheld games.

Added World-Mate language translator.

Added USA version of Nintendo nes.

Added few gamebox pictures to
Nintendo 64 gamelist.

Added few gamebox pictures to
Commodore VIC gamelist.

Added few gamebox pictures to
Spectravideo and Oric gamelist.

Added Nintendo nes’s game: Mega Man5 (B).

Added Sega Mega Drive’s game:
Muhammad Ali heavyweight boxing (CIB).

Added four Commodore VIC’s games: Jupiter Lander (CIB),
Clowns (B), Pinball spectacular (CIB) and Gorf (B).

I made trade section and started put stuff to trade.

Added Atari 400’s games: Atari
Writer, Frogger and Qbert (all are L).

Added anor Nintendo 64.

Added Nintendo Pokemon mini.

Added Nintendo Pokemon mini’s games:
Party, Pinball and Puzzle (all are SW).

Added Philips CDI’s games: Cartoon Jukebox, Wacky world
of miniature golf, International tennis open, Palm Springs open,
Battleship, Visit to seasame street and Video speedway (all are CIB).